Not sure if anyone is following this blog still....but I figured I would put an update on here...
I will not be returning to Cloppenburg to play soccer (it was the most difficult decision I have had to make and sometimes I still wonder if it is the right one) fact I wont be playing soccer anymore I don't think....I have been thinking about potentially retiring from my soccer career.
I have thoughts everyday about Cloppenburg and all the amazing people I met there and I get sad....I really do. I miss it terribly. I still slip up and say things in German to people around town here in Roseville, CA. It is funny...they look at me so weird!
I also put a basket on the back of my is not so common to ride bikes to stores or have a basket on the back of your least not in my I am trying to bring little pieces of Germany to people here :) I love Germany so much it is hard not to.
Since I have been home I have been able to visit with most all of my family, enjoy some lovely warm weather and go to Lake Tahoe....just a beautiful place to visit.
I was thinking about keeping this updated with how things are going with me here and also I plan on following the BVC damen next season...I will write about it....but only if people let me know if that would be something of interest....otherwise I wont keep posting on here...
I thought it would be fun and a way I can keep in touch with people....I truly miss everyone and the town so much.
I am hoping to get to back over to visit for a 3 week trip in April or March and see everyone and watch some games of the team!
Hope all is well in Germany and everyone is healthy and happy! :)
Miss you all lots!